Cell Analysis

With over 20,000 genes, 200,000 proteins and thousands of pathways, you can’t measure everything in a cell at once, but you can measure the energy that drives them. Chemetrix offers cell analysis technology solutions that detect discrete changes in cellular bioenergetics in real-time. Real-time cell measurements provide a clear window into the critical functions driving cell signaling, proliferation, activation, toxicity and biosynthesis. Move beyond analysing what your cells are, and reveal a clearer measure of what they do.


Best Practices & Fundamentals

Procedures, Techniques and Resources for a Successful Xf Assay.



Energy Pathways Video

Seahorse XF Training Webinar – Gather Assay Materials

Fundamentals | Measuring Cell Metabolism – Transient Micro-chamber

ICP Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

Chemetrix’s market-leading inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) systems provide flexible and reliable solutions for elemental analysis. Our single quadrupole ICP-MS and triple quadrupole (ICP-QQQ) instruments offer the highest matrix tolerance and unmatched interference removal, delivering fast, accurate, and consistently reproducible results, even for trace metals.


Concepts & Fundamentals

Learn about ICP-MS principles, concepts and their main components, as well as best practices, Tips & Tricks.



The principles of ICP-MS


This is How you ICP-MS: Mastering the Art of Cone Performance

Executive Overview


Tips & Tricks

A collection of useful guides.

Guidelines for Trouble Shooting and Maintenance of ICP-MS Systems


Agilent ICP-MS Interactive Troubleshooting tool for Low sensitivity


The secret way to double-check an ICP-MS result without rerunning the sample

How to do an ICP-MS analysis from outside the lab

How to dilute ICPMS samples without using liquid diluent

Using Helium mode to deal with tricky chemistry in ICP-MS analysis

Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

Chemetrix liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) brings powerful analytical capability to a wide range of applications. Complete LC/MS workflows feature sample preparation, InfinityLab chromatography, and Agilent mass spectrometry, as well as software to acquire high-quality data and turn it into definitive answers. The Chemetrix LC/MS family provides the capabilities and performance to solve virtually any analytical challenge.


Concepts & Fundamentals

Learn about LC-MS principles, concepts and their main components, as well as best practices, Tips & Tricks.



Discover the Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry.

Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry Theory


Basics of LC/MS



LC-MS Concepts

Concept guides to our Triple Quad and High-Resolution QTOF instruments

Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quadrupole LC/MS

Concepts Guide

Agilent 6200 Series TOF and 6500 Series Q-TOF LC/MS System

Concepts Guide


Chemetrix offers a robust and innovative portfolio of pharmaceutical dissolution testing products. Our systems are designed to meet regulatory guidelines and integrate the latest technologies for product formulation and other applications. Our dissolution product range expanded through the acquisitions of the VanKel Technology Group and Varian Scientific Instruments.


Best Practices & Fundamentals

Learn about dissolution testing systems and their main components, as well as best practices, Tips & Tricks


Tips & Tricks

Useful Tips for the Agilent 708-DS System & Autosamtes Sampling Station

Agilent Tips and Tricks 708-DS Dissolution Apparatus

Fundamentals Webinar Series

A three-part series that covers the fundamentals of Dissolution.

1. Fundamentals of Dissolution

View Webinar

2. Dissolution Best Practices and Qualification

View Webinar

3. Agilent’s Advanced Dissolution Systems & Software

View Webinar