Unveiling the Hidden Threats: Researching Emerging Contaminants in Water

The water we have on Earth is finite. Although we have water in abundance, caring for this resource has been one of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Sadly, we simply do not know the vast majority of chemicals that are discharged into the environment through human activities. For this reason, the detection and identification of these compounds are essential for accurate toxicological profiling of environmental samples.

Ensuring water quality and safety through analytical testing is crucial for public health and environmental protection. Comprehensive testing involves analysing regulated pollutants, including pesticides, semi-volatile organic compounds, metals, and disinfection byproducts. It also extends to emerging contaminants such as PFAS, microplastics, hormones, and various unknown chemicals.

As environmental challenges continue to evolve, detecting and identifying emerging contaminants in water has become a critical task for researchers. Advanced analytical technologies, such as high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), play a pivotal role in this effort. These sophisticated instruments not only enhance the detection capabilities but also contribute to a deeper understanding of the toxicological impacts of unknown chemicals.

The role of advanced analytical technologies

High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS)

HRMS provides unparalleled precision and accuracy in measuring the mass of chemical compounds. It allows for the detection of a wide range of contaminants, even those present at trace levels. This technology is particularly beneficial for non-targeted analysis, where the goal is to identify unknown compounds in water samples. By delivering high-resolution data, HRMS enables researchers to pinpoint the exact mass of contaminants, facilitating their identification and characterisation.

Watch our webinar on Using Liquid Chromatography with QTOF High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Identify Emerging Contaminants in Urban Waters >

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

GC-MS is a powerful tool for separating and analysing volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds. It combines the separation capabilities of gas chromatography with the detection prowess of mass spectrometry. This technology is essential for identifying contaminants that may not be detectable through other means. GC-MS excels in providing detailed information about the chemical composition of water samples, making it indispensable for comprehensive water quality assessments.

Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

LC-MS/MS is renowned for its sensitivity and specificity in detecting and quantifying contaminants. This technology is particularly effective for analysing non-volatile and polar compounds that are challenging to detect with GC-MS. LC-MS/MS allows researchers to conduct multi-residue analysis, detecting multiple contaminants simultaneously. Its high throughput and precision make it a cornerstone in environmental monitoring and toxicological studies.

New threats emerging

Microplastics are tiny synthetic particles or polymeric matrices derived from plastic, ranging from 1 µm to 5 mm in size and insoluble in water. According to an article published by Agilent, current research believes that microplastics will also degrade into smaller particles on a nanoscale, called ‘nanoplastics’. Despite increasing analysis, their environmental risk remains unclear. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has called for more scientific research to better understand the potential toxicity of microplastics.

Download the infographic poster on Accurate Microplastics Analysis >

A recent study found that humans could be consuming between 39,000 to 52,000 microplastic particles a year.

A recently published study* stated, “The prevalence of micro and nanoplastics (MNPs) in various environmental and human compartments has highlighted the need for analytical methods to accurately detect and quantify these contaminants. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), one of the thermo-analytical methods, is evolving as an analytical technique to quantify MNPs in complex matrices.”

Agilent 990 Micro GC

This study evaluated the impact of using diverse polystyrene (PS) standards with different molecular weights, polydispersity indexes, tacticity, end-capping, and chain branching, on quantifying the mass concentration of PS in various products. The results for the PS-based products showed inconsistencies across different standards, indicating that the measurements for a single product varied substantially when different polystyrene (PS) standards were applied.

The team behind the study made use of Agilent technologies for their research and found there is a need for refined calibration strategies and standardised reference materials to improve the reliability of the MNP analysis method.

From this example, it’s clear that advanced analytical technologies are not only about detection but also about understanding the broader implications of contaminants, like microplastics. By accurately identifying and understanding newer chemicals and contaminants, researchers can assess their toxicological impacts on human health and the environment. This knowledge is crucial for developing effective mitigation strategies and regulatory policies.

Watch our webinar on Microplastics Analysis Just Got Easier: Analysis Direct On-Filter >

Continuous improvement of water analysis

Chemetrix is at the forefront of providing state-of-the-art analytical instruments that empower researchers in their quest to safeguard water quality. By offering cutting-edge technologies such as HRMS, GC-MS, and LC-MS/MS, Chemetrix supports comprehensive environmental research. The instruments are designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern laboratories, ensuring reliable and accurate results.

A prime example of the application of these technologies is non-targeted analysis in water. This approach involves screening water samples for a wide array of contaminants without prior knowledge of their presence. By employing HRMS, GC-MS, and LC-MS/MS, researchers can detect and identify unknown compounds, providing a holistic view of water quality. This method is essential for uncovering emerging contaminants that may not be included in routine monitoring programs.

To preserve our planet’s resources for future generations, the scientific community has to be the trailblazers of today that’ll help find the solutions to protect our tomorrow. There is an incredible amount of passion and dedication among the researchers and scientists who are fighting the good fight against emerging water contaminants and providing valuable insights that everyone can use to make better choices. They can’t do this work without great analytical instruments.

Agilent 8700 LDIR Chemical Imaging System

These instruments enhance detection capabilities, provide valuable insights into toxicological impacts, and support informed decision-making. Chemetrix’s commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions underscores its vital role in environmental research. As we continue to face new environmental challenges, the adoption of these advanced technologies will be crucial in ensuring the safety and sustainability of our water resources.

*Quantitation of polystyrene by pyrolysis-GC-MS: The impact of polymer standards on micro and nano plastic analysis by M. Brits, B. van Poelgeest, W. Nijenhuis, M.J.M. van Velzen, F.M. B´een, G.J.M. Gruter, S.H. Brandsma, M.H. Lamoree

Analyse Microplastics in Minutes, Not Hours

Want to bring exceptional speed and throughput to your microplastics research?

Microplastics in the environment are becoming a greater concern as scientists begin to understand their penetration into our ecosystems and food chains. Typically, techniques such as vibrational spectroscopy have been used to chemically identify microplastics. However, this approach is often complex and slow.

What you will learn

The Agilent Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) chemical imaging system introduces an automated approach to imaging and spectral analysis. Its Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) technology—coupled with rapidly scanning optics—provides fast, high-quality images and spectral data. Using the 8700 LDIR, experts and non-experts alike can:

  • Analyse samples in minutes, not hours.
  • Determine the chemical identity, size, and shape of microplastics in their samples.
  • Obtain useful statistical data to advance their microplastics research.
  • Take rapid, detailed images of large sample areas with intuitive Agilent Clarity software.


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Mitigating Plastic Pollution While Regenerating Our Oceans

It is estimated that more than 75% of the 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic produced over the last 65 years have turned into waste, of which up to 13 million metric tons end up in our oceans every year.

Plastic is one of the most enduring materials created by humans. Unfortunately, it can take hundreds of years to degrade, and even then, it often becomes microplastics – tiny particles that can be ingested by marine animals. These microplastics enter the food chain, leading to disastrous consequences for our planet and its inhabitants.

Improving plastic waste management globally is critical and individuals and organisations can play a part in reducing plastic pollution and regenerating oceans. Researchers are exploring biodegradable plastics and alternative materials to reduce plastic’s impact and there are many alternative solutions available to reduce single-use plastics.


What labs are doing to reduce plastic pollution

Labs can be influential advocates and encourage industry-wide shifts toward more sustainable practices. Of course, labs are key players in the research of plastic pollution, analyzing to help organisations develop a better understanding of the scope of plastic waste worldwide and use those insights to create innovative solutions, especially for marine environments.

But there’s also no denying that labs consume vast amounts of single-use plastic items, including pipette tips, tubes, gloves, and reagent bottles. These plastics are essential for maintaining sterile conditions and avoiding contamination, but their disposal contributes significantly to plastic waste. Lab instruments are also made up of plastic parts and do most of us know the process for disposing of those instruments at the end of their life?

What’s exciting to see is the scientific community strongly advocating for change and implementing practices that already have a significant impact such as:

  • Reviewing the materials used in common consumables and opting for products with minimal plastic content or those made from recyclable materials.
  • Incorporating re-using along with recycling and engaging with suppliers to support re-useable product options and recycling programs
  • Designing experiments and workflows with circular economy principles in mind.
  • Setting targets for reducing plastic waste.


An example of plastic sustainable solutions

With a focus on forming a biotech company to tackle plastic pollution, ULUU was started in 2020 by Dr Julia Reisser and Michael Kingsbury. They are trying to solve the growing issue of plastic pollution by prototyping alternative materials to market.

ULUU’s PHA product sample


“Unlike synthetic plastics, our materials are not produced using petrochemicals derived from fossil fuels. Instead, they are made from sustainable feedstocks with much more sustainable production processes. And, in the end, our products are compostable and marine-biodegradable, so they don’t pose a lasting impact on the environment,” described Dr. Luke Richards, lead scientist at ULUU.

The mission at ULUU is to replace plastics with materials that are good for the world. They’re producing a versatile natural polymer called polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), using seaweed as a sustainable resource for that process. The result is a material that is biodegradable and won’t accumulate in oceans and landfills or linger as microplastics in biological systems.

Discover the Challenges in Microplastics Analysis in our webinar >

ULUU scientists Dr Sheik Md Moniruzzaman and Vatsal Meshram in their QC lab using the Agilent 1260 Infinity II LC with Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD iQ


In terms of climate change, using seaweed as a feedstock, ULUU captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts it into PHA. Their process also doesn’t rely on conventional land-based farming, which can take land away from natural ecosystems. Additionally, farming seaweed has some positive impacts on oceans. Research indicates that seaweed helps clean up environmental pollutants and reverses acidification and eutrophication.

ULUU uses bioreactors ranging from 1 to 50 L to make their products. They also use specialised equipment to investigate injection moulding and turn their PHA product into solid objects for prototyping. The entire production process from seaweed input to the finished PHA powder is monitored by their QC lab, in which most assays use chromatography instruments. These instruments include two Agilent 1260 Infinity II liquid chromatographs (LCs) and one Agilent 8890 gas chromatograph (GC), with detection by an Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD iQ, an Agilent 1260 Infinity II refractive index detector (RID), and an Agilent 5977B GC/MSD.

Agilent 8890
Agilent LC/MSD iQ
Agilent 1260 Infinity II
Agilent 5977B GC-MSD


Sustainability is the way of the future for all laboratories and investing in the right solutions now can turn the tide for the future. Chemetrix is the partner labs that need to reach its sustainability goals and implement solutions that will reduce its environmental impact and plastic waste now and in years to come.


All Eyes on Environmental Analysis

Celebrating our most innovative applications across environmental samples

We are delighted to share with you these on-demand environmental analysis presentations delivered by Agilent scientists and leading researchers from industry and academia.

Discover how Agilent’s technologies and workflows are used by to provide cutting-edge environmental testing solutions for a wide range of regulated and emerging compounds.


On demand presentation topics include:

  • Target and suspect contaminant screening workflows
  • Poly and Perfluorinated Substances (PFAS)
  • Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)
  • Hormones and endocrine disruptors
  • Glyphosate and other polar pesticides
  • Microcystins
  • Microplastics

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