Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Soils

Graphitized carbon black (GCB) has been used widely in sample preparation for efficient removal of pigments and other matrix interferences. However, GCB may cause the loss of some analytes. Carbon S is an advanced hybrid carbon material with optimized carbon content and pore structure. Compared to GCB, Carbon S provides equivalent or better pigment removal from sample matrices, while significantly improving recovery for some GCB-selective analytes (such as planar pesticides). As a result, Carbon S sorbent provides a better balance between analyte recovery and matrix removal efficiency than traditional GCB sorbent. The Carbon S sorbent is applied in the same SPE cartridge format with the same bed mass as GCB SPE. The Carbon S SPE cartridges can be used as a replacement for the GCB cartridges for applications where SPE methodology is used. This study investigates the post-extraction matrix cleanup of 59 PFAS from loamy sand, reed sedge peat, and topsoil using the Bond Elut Carbon S 250 mg, 6 mL cartridges followed by LC/MS/MS analysis.


Matt Giardina
Applications Chemist
Agilent Technologies, Inc.


Matthew Giardina is an applications chemist at Agilent Technologies focusing on the development of sample preparation techniques for challenging environmental applications. He has been with Agilent for 10 years and working in the field of analytical chemistry for over 20 years. He received and B.S. in chemistry from the University of Maryland at College Park and Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the Ohio State University.


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Dioxins Analysis in the Environment

U.S. EPA Method 1613B has been one of the primary methods used in the analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in wastewater, soils, sludges, and other matrices. These compounds have more than 200 congeners, and seventeen of them are highly toxic and of interest in trace analysis. Historically, these analyses have been performed using magnetic sector high-resolution GC/MS. In 2021, the U.S. EPA approved an alternate testing protocol (ATP) that accepts GC/TQ as an equivalent technology for the analysis of dioxins in environmental samples.  This work shows the Agilent triple quadrupole GC/MS system can achieve the sensitivity required to meet and exceed guidance for the analysis of PCDD/PCDFs at all concentration levels.


Joel Ferrer
Product Manager – Agilent QQQ GC/MS
Agilent Technologies, Inc.


Joel Ferrer is the Product Manager for the Agilent Triple Quadrupole GC/MS portfolio. He obtained his B.S. in Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University where he gained experience on Agilent LC/MS and GC/MS instrumentation performing metabolomics research in the Department of Chemistry. Joel later earned his MBA from the University of Houston with a focus in Product Management and Marketing Analytics. He’s been with Agilent for over 5 years and in his current product management role since June 2020.


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Soils, Sudges and Sediments | Inorganics in Soi

Regulatory bodies have a duty to protect the public from exposure to hazardous substances, including potentially toxic heavy metals and other inorganic and organometallic species present in soil. Agilent Spectroscopy instruments are ideal for monitoring these substances—whether naturally occurring or the result of industrial or agricultural activity—because they can provide robust performance and precise quantitative analysis of trace level inorganics.



Routine Analysis of Soil Samples using ICP-MS

Application Brief

Soils, Sudges and Sediments | Organics in Soil

Organic contamination of soils occurs through chemical spills, leakage from underground storage tanks, administering chemicals and distribution of biosolids from wastewater treatment for agricultural purposes, natural disasters, and other sources. Agilent’s has solutions from sample prep to analysis that adress screening and quantification of organic contaminants in soil



Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis in Soils and Sediments Using the Agilent 8697 Headspace Sampler

Application Note

Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil and Sediment by Purge and Trap GC/MS

Application Note

Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Soil Extracts

Application Note