Rapid QC Tablet Testing with Transmission Raman Spectroscopy

The Agilent TRS100 Raman system is ideal for fast assay of tablets, capsules, and other dosage forms. Transmission Raman technology from Agilent enables simple method-development and deployment in QC applications. It is easy to implement in analytical laboratories and production areas, and has regulatory approvals for content uniformity (CU), assay, and identification (ID) applications. This online seminar provides a comprehensive introduction to the Transmission Raman technology and the Agilent TRS100 Raman system in the pharmaceutical quality-control applications.



Yanqia Wang, PhD, Application Engineer, Molecular Spectroscopy, Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Dr. Yanqia Wang started working for Agilent Technologies Inc. as a FTIR application Engineer in 2013, providing pre-&post-sale application support. The products he covers from Bench-top FTIR microscopes to various Mobile FTIR spectrometers. Dr. Wang received his PhD of analytical chemistry from Duke University in 2004, doing dynamic IR spectroscopy research. Then he joined Fitzpatrick Center for Photonics at Duke University, doing Tissue Raman spectrometer instrumentation. Since 2007, Dr. Wang worked for Avery Dennison Corp. as a spectroscopist, providing molecular analytical support to the research & development.


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