Occupational Drug Screening | Blood & Serum Screening

Maintaining compliance and ensuring that businesses and their employees are fully protected often demands rigorous and ongoing drug testing in a number of sectors, particularly in high-risk jobs, or roles with a public safety focus. In addition, non legally-regulated testing can also impact on insurance costs or other forms of employee protection, and should be approached equally robust methods. Chemetrix provides a range of testing solutions with sample prep to ensure testing efficiency, and feature custom training and reporting templates, and a range of consumables for enhanced, flexible performance.



Efficient Quantitative Analysis of THC and Metabolites in Human Plasma Using Agilent Captiva EMR—Lipid and LC-MS/MS

Application Note

Increasing Throughput for Forensic Screening of Raw Case Samples Using the Agilent QuickProbe GC/MS System

Application Note

Quantitative Determination of Drugs of Abuse in Human Whole Blood by LC/MS/MS

Application Note