We start the LC Beginner webinar series with an overview of basic terms relevant to liquid chromatography.
Reversed phase or normal phase?
Fully porous, partially porous, end capping?
In this webinar, we will cover different stationary phases (RP and NP) and the selection of the particle.
In the second part of the stationary phases webinars, we look at other separation modes: IEX, SEC, ligand exchange and HILIC and what we think they are best suited for.
This webinar will give an overview of the different LC modules and how they work.
In liquid chromatography, various detectors can be used. In this seminar, we will take a closer look at UV, fluorescence, refractive index and ELSD detection.
This webinar is about single quad mass detectors. We will look at the development of single quads together and highlight the possibilities offered by today’s single quads and how they support the user. The aim of the webinar is to show users how they can easily add mass-selective confirmation to their HPLC-UV methods. In other words: achieve greater security without more complexity.
This webinar is about single quad mass detectors. We will look at the development of single quads together and highlight the possibilities offered by today’s single quads and how they support the user. The aim of the webinar is to show users how they can easily add mass-selective confirmation to their HPLC-UV methods. In other words: achieve greater security without more complexity.
This session will explore detectors commonly used in polymer analysis (RID, UV, MALS, Viscometer), emphasizing their specific applications based on polymer types (Branched, Linear, high Mw, low Mw). We will discuss their roles in Mw determination, Quantitation, Viscosity measurement, size and shape determination etc.
In this part of the course we will deal with sample preparation: why, how and which sample preparation is the most suitable for the target analyte?
SPE, LLSE, or syringe filter?
When developing an LC method, there are various factors that can be tested to achieve the desired resolution and symmetry of the analytes. In this webinar, we will discuss the various factors and give tips on developing a robust method.
In this webinar, typical LC problems are discussed – how to identify and solve them.
Tailing, fronting, and peak doubling are all topics that we will cover during troubleshooting. After the session, we will be able to identify causes and avoid errors.